Prior to accepting the shipment, please very carefully check the Proof Of Delivery (POD). The most important part to pay attention to is the amount of boxes sent matches the amount of boxes that you received with your shipment. This will ensure that there are no issues with your shipment.
When the driver hands you the proof of delivery, please read at the bottom the following section: [Please note that the format may vary from carrier to carrier and that this is strictly being used as an example]
This example shows that there is 1 PT (Pallet) said to contain 6 BX (boxes). Please ensure that the correct amount of boxes is shipped by physically inspecting the shrunk wrapped pallet. All the boxes will be visible on the pallet. If there are ANY missing boxes:
1. Notate on the POD that there is X amount of boxes missing from the shipment. Sign off and accept the shipment.
2. Immediately send us an email to with your purchase order number as well as the vendor that you bought the item from.
3. One of our representatives will get in touch with you and will help assist you in resolving the issue.
If you have signed off on the POD without notating the missed box and find out after the fact, please immediately reach out to us at and we will contact you regarding how to resolve the issue.
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